8 or more days before arrival: no cancellation fee
7-2 days prior to arrival: 50% of the total accommodation price
1 day before arrival: 70% of the total accommodation price
the day of arrival (no-show): 100% of the total accommodation price
1.1. Portal Provider - the company ONLINE HOLDING s.r.o., registered seat Kolbenova 882 / 3a, Vysočany, 190 00, Prague 9. Correspondence address: Řeznická 7, 460 01 Liberec, tel.: 222 539 539 email: [email protected].
1.2. Accommodation Facility – owner/tenant of the accommodation facility rendering services to the Client in conformity with the Order made between the Portal Provider and the Client.
1.3. Client – natural person or legal entity ordering services offered by the Accommodation Facility.
2.1. These General Business Terms and Conditions (hereinafter refereed to as “GBT”) regulate contract relations between the Portal Provider and the Accommodation Facility when mediating booking of the accommodation offered by the Accommodation Facility at the Provider’s website.
2.2. The contract relation between the Portal Provider and the Accommodation Facility is also governed - besides these GBT and the valid pricelist of the Accommodation Facility (hereinafter referred to as the “Pricelist“ ) - by the Intermediary Agreement, the contract relation between the Portal Provider and the Client is governed - besides these GBT - by the General Terms and Conditions published on the internet portal
2.3. These General Business Terms and Conditions are applied whenever the Contract or another written agreement between the Parties hereto fails to contain another arrangement. Individual provisions of these GBT can be changed or cancelled in the Contract.
3.1. Contract relations between the Parties hereto are governed by the legislation of the Czech Republic.
4.1. Ordering
The Client expresses his interest in the service by mailing the Inquiry Form. The Portal Provider verifies free capacity in the Accommodation Facility in the term requested by the Client and notifies information about availability and price of accommodation for the chosen term to the Client. The ordered service is binding at the moment of phone or written confirmation of the order by the Client and the Provider (mailing the Accommodation Voucher to the Client).
4.2. Price for the Service
Price for the service is determined by the Accommodation Facility, the Portal Provider does not escalate the price for the service. The price depends on the chosen term, number of persons and on other parameters specified by the Client in the Inquiry Form. Prior to mailing the binding confirmation, the Provider informs the Client about the final price and - when approved by the Client - order of the services becomes binding. The prices shown by individual Accommodation Facilities are indicative only and are not binding until booking is confirmed finally by the Provider (mailing the Accommodation Voucher).
4.3. Payment Terms
Payment is done in the Accommodation Facility. In case of certain bookings, in particular in case of group bookings the Accommodation Facility or the Portal Provider requests guarantee by the credit card or payment of the advance amounting up to 100%o of the accommodation price. During the process of confirmation of the booking the Client is informed about the requested guarantee by the credit card or about the advance payment.
5.1.The cancellation terms are regulated by the Accommodation Facility itself; if the credit card guarantee is applied, costs of the first night will be charged in case of no-show. If the booking is cancelled (written Provider’s confirmation of cancelled booking is understood cancellation of the Client’s booking) 24 hours before the guest’s arrival, no cancellation fee is charged in case of the credit card guarantee.
5.2. The Client shall inform the Provider about all changes of the booking or about its cancellation in writing.
5.3. Complaints about quality of accommodation and services rendered by the Accommodation Facility shall be raised directly in the Accommodation Facility.
5.4. The Provider’s services can be claimed in writing in the electronic form to the email address [email protected] or to the correspondence address ONLINE HOLDING s.r.o., Řeznická 7, 460 01 Liberec.
6.1. Personal Data Processing
The customer agrees to send additional and other information messages to his / her email address by sending the accommodation request on the Portal You may also opt out of these news at any time at and in each individual newsletter. If the customer does not unsubscribe from additional information and news, we have a legitimate interest in believing that he wants to continue to receive similar offers.
6.2. Phone Calls Recording
Phone call recording The customer expressly consents that all phone communication shall be recorded in order to improve services and to record the customer’s consent with the terms and conditions and confirmation of booking. The consent shall be directly or implicitly expressed by the customer by continuing in a phone conversation with an employee of the operator.
7.1. These General Business Terms and Conditions become valid and effective on 01.09. 2010. The contract relations arisen before the effective date of these General Business Terms and Conditions remain valid and are governed by the business terms and conditions valid when the contract relations were made.
7.2. Valid wording of these General Business Terms and Conditions is available in the registered seat of the Portal Provider and is published on the Provider’s website